If you are suffering from a low credit rating and are hoping to get furniture financing, you may find it difficult to receive approval from traditional financial institutions such as banks. Even if you are not aware of your credit score, you may be turned away for a loan because said score was lowered without your even being aware of it. Thankfully, there are a number of alternative options for entering into a furniture finance agreement. Some of those options will be discussed below.One way of obtaining bad credit furniture, without going through the hassle of dealing with a bank, is through online furniture financing. Many types of financing are increasingly being offered online, due to the fact that Internet access is one of the easiest and most convenient ways of accomplishing tasks from the comfort of one’s home. Online furniture financing may be obtained from furniture sellers, lending agencies, or by way of a personal online loan. They are easy to apply for, and because of the popularity of this method, there are multiple lending agencies to choose from.Going about choosing a financing plan on the Internet may indeed be the most challenging part of obtaining bad credit furniture. It is extremely important to review the terms and conditions of the loan in question before entering into an agreement, and to compare several different services before settling on one.For assistance with unscrambling all of the financial jargon that you are almost guaranteed to encounter in such a search, you may wish to consult with a credit counselor. A credit counselor is an individual that helps to provide guidance for individuals that have experienced, and are suffering, due to a bad credit score. This counselor can help to advise you on the proper steps to take when looking for online financing, or may have additional helpful suggestions for how to proceed.If online financing is not the way you wish to proceed, there are additional options for finding bad credit furniture. Some simple ideas include selecting items and putting them on layaway, choosing a rent-to-own option, or going to a local payday advance agency. Of these three suggestions, by far the least costly, and perhaps most responsible option is the layaway option. By choosing to place items on layaway, you are not going beyond your available budget to obtain your desired furniture pieces, but you are still giving yourself reasonable goals for saving and reaping its rewards.
SPDN: An Inexpensive Way To Profit When The S&P 500 Falls
SPDN is not the largest or oldest way to short the S&P 500, but it’s a solid choice.
This ETF uses a variety of financial instruments to target a return opposite that of the S&P 500 Index.
SPDN’s 0.49% Expense Ratio is nearly half that of the larger, longer-tenured -1x Inverse S&P 500 ETF.
Details aside, the potential continuation of the equity bear market makes single-inverse ETFs an investment segment investor should be familiar with.
We rate SPDN a Strong Buy because we believe the risks of a continued bear market greatly outweigh the possibility of a quick return to a bull market.
Put a gear stick into R position, (Reverse).
By Rob Isbitts
The S&P 500 is in a bear market, and we don’t see a quick-fix. Many investors assume the only way to navigate a potentially long-term bear market is to hide in cash, day-trade or “just hang in there” while the bear takes their retirement nest egg.
The Direxion Daily S&P 500® Bear 1X ETF (NYSEARCA:SPDN) is one of a class of single-inverse ETFs that allow investors to profit from down moves in the stock market.
SPDN is an unleveraged, liquid, low-cost way to either try to hedge an equity portfolio, profit from a decline in the S&P 500, or both. We rate it a Strong Buy, given our concern about the intermediate-term outlook for the global equity market.
SPDN keeps it simple. If the S&P 500 goes up by X%, it should go down by X%. The opposite is also expected.
Proprietary ETF Grades
Offense/Defense: Defense
Segment: Inverse Equity
Sub-Segment: Inverse S&P 500
Correlation (vs. S&P 500): Very High (inverse)
Expected Volatility (vs. S&P 500): Similar (but opposite)
Holding Analysis
SPDN does not rely on shorting individual stocks in the S&P 500. Instead, the managers typically use a combination of futures, swaps and other derivative instruments to create a portfolio that consistently aims to deliver the opposite of what the S&P 500 does.
SPDN is a fairly “no-frills” way to do what many investors probably wished they could do during the first 9 months of 2022 and in past bear markets: find something that goes up when the “market” goes down. After all, bonds are not the answer they used to be, commodities like gold have, shall we say, lost their luster. And moving to cash creates the issue of making two correct timing decisions, when to get in and when to get out. SPDN and its single-inverse ETF brethren offer a liquid tool to use in a variety of ways, depending on what a particular investor wants to achieve.
The weakness of any inverse ETF is that it does the opposite of what the market does, when the market goes up. So, even in bear markets when the broader market trend is down, sharp bear market rallies (or any rallies for that matter) in the S&P 500 will cause SPDN to drop as much as the market goes up.
While inverse ETFs have a reputation in some circles as nothing more than day-trading vehicles, our own experience with them is, pardon the pun, exactly the opposite! We encourage investors to try to better-understand single inverse ETFs like SPDN. While traders tend to gravitate to leveraged inverse ETFs (which actually are day-trading tools), we believe that in an extended bear market, SPDN and its ilk could be a game-saver for many portfolios.
SPDN and most other single inverse ETFs are vulnerable to a sustained rise in the price of the index it aims to deliver the inverse of. But that threat of loss in a rising market means that when an investor considers SPDN, they should also have a game plan for how and when they will deploy this unique portfolio weapon.
Proprietary Technical Ratings
Short-Term Rating (next 3 months): Strong Buy
Long-Term Rating (next 12 months): Buy
ETF Quality Opinion
SPDN does what it aims to do, and has done so for over 6 years now. For a while, it was largely-ignored, given the existence of a similar ETF that has been around much longer. But the more tenured SPDN has become, the more attractive it looks as an alternative.
ETF Investment Opinion
SPDN is rated Strong Buy because the S&P 500 continues to look as vulnerable to further decline. And, while the market bottomed in mid-June, rallied, then waffled since that time, our proprietary macro market indicators all point to much greater risk of a major decline from this level than a fast return to bull market glory. Thus, SPDN is at best a way to exploit and attack the bear, and at worst a hedge on an otherwise equity-laden portfolio.
How Important Is Digital Marketing?
No matter what kind of business you’re in, marketing is the most important part. People want to buy goods or services from companies that are credible. The advertising strategy of any business determines the success of the business in the long run.We are now in the ‘internet age’, and businesses have a wide range of opportunities where they can gain potential customers. With a large group of consumers connected to the internet and other digital platforms, digital marketing has an edge over traditional marketing techniques. Older generations will mourn the slow death of newspapers, books, and make room for those who have grown up with the internet and mobiles and who are already embracing the new wave of digital consumption.If a business wants to participate in a digital marketing campaign it’s vital to figure out the right campaign that will appeal to their specific target audience. Out of the great selection of digital marketing methods, the internet stands out as it is the cheapest and most effective option. Online advertising, video advertising, blogging, e-mail, and social media are just a few tools that have stemmed from the internet, and its ability to reach a customer base that is global at great speed and at minimal cost compared to the more conventional marketing techniques.With all these options that are available it’s no surprise that businesses want to recognise the best method that helps them to reach and deliver the best results the fastest. So finding the right digital marketing agency is vital, one of many extremely important things to consider is the Web design-This may require expert advice. You need to make sure you website is attractive to potential customers and ensure that plenty of information is readily available and most importantly to you must ensure that your website is easy to navigate.There are many other specialist features which an agency can offer. If your business is in need of a digital marketing agency then make sure you look at their customer testimonials section of their website to make sure they are suitable for your business. An exceptional marketing agency will be able to increase your number of site visitors using Search Engine Optimisation Services.Internet marketing has many benefits, and some benefits are that digital marketing spreads fast, it’s one of the cheapest methods and is a great way to promote your brand on the Internet. So don’t get left behind, find how you can get your digital campaign up and running.